The Lord of the harvest

The Lord of the harvest

wants to harvest and He calls on us to sow in unity and abundantly!
Follow me,

Follow me,

and I will make you fishers of men.
Under this menu we place brief info about cities or villages where campaigns are planned, prepared and carried out.

As described in our vision we look forward to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in unity with each other to every inhabitant of Belgium through a diversity of methods and campaigns. That's why it is totally ok to also add your residence to the campaign list and start getting creative.
But,...there is 1 important condition that cannot be ignored.

It is necessary that each religious community in your residence, no matter which denomination or culture it belongs to, receives an as personal invitation as possible to come together and have the Belgium Arise vision clearly explained to them before making plans together, in unity, to bless every family in your residence with a shortened version of the Father's Loveletter that we wish to make available in various languages as soon as possible. Of course you are free to use additional lecture / methods as long as it is achieved and carried out in unity with each other.  Contact us for more info.