The Lord of the harvest

The Lord of the harvest

wants to harvest and He calls on us to sow in unity and abundantly!
Follow me,

Follow me,

and I will make you fishers of men.
Jesus for - ALL PEOPLE GROUPS - for Jesus
The Greek word "ethne" is usually translated as nations but ethnic groups or people groups would be a better translation. 
What is a people group? 
"A people group is 'for evangelization purposes' the largest group of people in which the Gospel can spread itself as a disciple-making and church-planting movement without the barriers of language or tradition."
" Jesus' mission was to seek and to bless the lost sheep in every city and village."
Jesus did His work and completed it and since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Body of Christ has been able to do a lot of work worldwide. And yet, there is still an enormous part of the Great Commission not yet carried out. According to Joshua Project there are more than 17000 unique people groups in the world of which there are still more than 7000 unreached. More than 85% of these unreached people groups live in the 10/40 Window and less than 10% of all missionary work takes place among these peoples. 
What is the 10/40 Window?
  • The 10/40 Window is the rectangular region that includes North-Africa, the Middle-East and Asia between 10° and 40° north latitude. 
  • 85% of the unreached people groups live in this region.
  • All the countries of the top 10 countries with the largest number of "not yet evangelized people" can be found here.
  • The 10/40 Window includes the largest number of unreached people groups with more than 1 million people. ( More than 10 of those unreached people groups count more than 50 million people.)
  • The 10/40 Window includes the overwhelming majority of the world's least evangelized major cities with a population of more than 1 million and out of the top 50 of those, all 50 cities are situated in this region. 
  • The 10/40 Window is also the place where more than 80% of the poorest of the poor live.
  • A remarkable overlapping fact is that countries which are the least evangelized also experience the most poverty. 
  • 43 out of the top 50 countries where Christian persecution is a serious fact are situated in the 10/40 Window.
What is an unreached people group?
An unreached population group is a group of people who don't know any or very few local believers. This group has an own language, culture, worldview and traditions. They might have heard the Gospel and some became Christians, but they can't reach the rest of their people group without outside help.
Fact worth mentioning : The 100 largest unreached people groups (out of 17000!) in the world exist out of no less than 1,8 billion people!
The longer the more, people who come from 10/40 Window countries live in our country. That's why the possibility "has come within our reach" to reach out to people who belong to the least reached people groups in the world. The ends of the world have literally come to us. Let us pray for them, seek them and bless them! It could be the beginning of a ripple effect and result in a never before seen divine worldwide salvation movement.
We warmly recommend the seminar below with focus on training / teaching / missions within unreached nations.
Do you know or give a seminar that belongs in this category? Let us know, we would like to publish it.
Kairos seminar :
Kairos is an interactive seminar for every Christian, from pastor to new believer. In nine lessons you will be immersed in the Biblical, historical, strategical and cultural aspects of mission. Kairos helps Christians in practical discipleship by teaching, inspiring, mobilizing and challenging
them. This seminar broadens your view and sets your heart on fire! 
For more info contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Al Massira or in English "Voyage of Discovery"

In a training that takes two days you will be equipped to work with a 13 part programme that was developed in the Middle-East. It is an inviting programme that clarifies that God is a relational God and that through the Messiah we can experience this relationship. Because the programme (the film, hand-outs, questions...) is available in several languages, the Dutch or English speaking people can use it together with for example Arabian or Farsi speaking seekers. The programme is being used in various parts of the world. In Europe it is a grateful instrument to follow along with refugees. 
For more info :, or mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.